KnowYourBioAge Test
Glem din kronologiske alder! KnowYourBioAge-testen avslører hemmelighetene bak din biologiske alder, som gir en mer nøyaktig refleksjon av kroppens helse. Dette er ikke et øyeblikksbilde – bruk den som en veiviser for å optimalisere livsstilen din over tid.
Gratis levering
Resultater innen 2–4 uker.
- Resultater innen 2–4 uker
- I motsetning til genetiske tester, fokuserer KnowYourBioAge-testen på epigenetikk
- Bruk KnowYourBioAge-resultatene til å tilpasse din tilnærming til aldring
- Støtte i alle trinn av prosessen

How it Works

How it Works

Hovedfunksjoner ved KnowYourBioAge Test
- Accurate
- Easy-To-Use Test Kit
- Fast
- Accredited
Our SkinCare DNA test is an extremely accurate test that will help you to discover your food and pet sensitivities. All of our tests meet international testing standards and guarantee maximum accuracy.
Our DNA testing kit will contain all you require to perform the test. We will send you oral swabs to rub on the inside of your mouth in order to collect cheek cells; hence, you will not need to go through painful blood sampling. All our kits contain comprehensive instructions. You can see online how easy it is to collect your DNA Samples.
Results will be issued within 30-45 working days from receipt of your samples at the laboratory. These are sent to you by email unless otherwise requested (additional charges may apply).
All home tests are performed by an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory which has performed over 250,000 DNA tests to date. You can, therefore, rest assured that your test is being performed under the strictest of guidelines.
Utover gener: Avsløring av aldringens programvare
I motsetning til genetiske tester, fokuserer KnowYourBioAge-testen på epigenetikk, de kjemiske bryterne som styrer genenes aktivitet. Ved å analysere disse bryterne avslører testen din biologiske alder, noe som gir deg verdifull innsikt i din cellulære helse.
Merk: Denne testen er egnet for voksne over 25 år. Barn og unge voksne anbefales ikke på grunn av deres pågående utvikling.
Din personlige veikart for sunn aldring
Er din biologiske alder yngre eller eldre enn din faktiske alder? KnowYourBioAge-testen gir deg denne innsikten. En yngre biologisk alder bekrefter en sunn livsstil, mens en høyere alder kan være et vekkesignal.
Bli din egen anti-aldringsekspert
Bruk resultatene fra KnowYourBioAge til å skreddersy din tilnærming til aldring. Endringer som trening, faste, et sunnere kosthold, forbedret søvn og stresshåndtering, eller redusert nikotin- og alkoholforbruk, kan ha en svært positiv effekt på aldringsprosessen din. Testen gir deg motivasjon til å overkomme disse hindringene lettere.
Spor fremgangen din: Et dynamisk verktøy for endring
Regelmessige KnowYourBioAge-tester (hver 6. måned til ett år) lar deg overvåke fremgangen din. Se den positive effekten av livsstilsendringer og juster der det trengs. Forvandle kompleks vitenskap til et praktisk verktøy for selvutforskning og ta kontroll over aldringsreisen din.
KnowYourBioAge-testen utføres ved å analysere metyleringsmarkører rundt DNA-et ditt. Alt som trengs er en liten spyttprøve. KnowYourBioAge-testsettet gjør det enkelt og raskt å samle prøven før du sender den tilbake til oss for laboratorieanalyse. Du vil motta vurderingen og testresultatet ditt innen 2–4 uker.
Testen tilbyr svært høy nøyaktighet takket være dens avanserte sekvenseringsmetodologi. Den er også en ideell gave til alle som ønsker å få kontroll over sitt liv og helse.
Hva er inkludert i settet
- Bruksanvisning med sikker ID
- Spyttsamlingstube
- Informasjonsbrosjyre
- Forhåndsbetalt returkonvolutt
Ta kontroll over aldringen din, fra passiv observatør til aktiv manager, ved å bestille KnowYourBioAge-testen nå!
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What is Epigenetics?
Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene function that are heritable and cannot be attributed to alterations in the DNA sequence. The term epi means above. It is a Greek prefix. It is also defined as above the base DNA sequence. In general terms it can be compared to word accents where the DNA is the language, and the modifications are the accents. Epigenetic marks change the way genes are expressed. It tells us about the cell, it is a way of defining the cell that is different than if we simply look at gene expression levels. Any type of cell that we look at has specialised epigenetic patterns.
What is the KnowYourBioAge test and who can take it?
The test measures your biological age, which can differ from your chronological age. It's suitable for adults over 25. Children and young adults are not recommended due to ongoing development.
What is the difference between biological and chronological age?
Biological age reflects how fast your body has aged, which can differ from your chronological age (actual age in years). Lifestyle and environment play a bigger role in biological age than genes.
When to take the test?
Avoid taking the test when sick, or stressed as it can affect results. Aim for a quiet and healthy phase.
How long does it take to get results?
Expect your results within 2-4 weeks after sending your sample.
What does the result mean?
Your biological age indicates how fast or slowly you've aged compared to the general population. A higher biological age than your chronological age might suggest lifestyle changes are needed. Don't panic if the difference between your biological and chronological age is significant. The test is a snapshot and can be influenced by various factors.
What can affect the results?
- Following test instructions properly.
- Sample quality (enough saliva, proper handling).
- Your overall health at the time of testing.
How often can I take the test?
You can take the test any time to monitor lifestyle changes, but at least 6 months apart is recommended.
Does the test involve genetics?
No, the test analyses DNA methylation patterns, not your genes themselves. Your sample is destroyed after analysis.
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Special Offers
The price of the Intolerance test is $99.
A second or third Intolerance test for a relative or a friend can be purchased at $89 ($10 discount).
We also offer a number of interesting Health Test like the Gut Microbiome Test, Vegetarian Food Intolerance test, DNA Diet and Healthy Weight Test and much more!
A food sensitivity is a reaction of your body to food digested. Unlike a food allergy, if you suffer from food sensitivity the adverse reaction is generally delayed.
If you want to improve your health and have a better lifestyle it is recommended to understand if your body reacts to certain foods or not.
Many people struggle all their life with food intolerance, a suffering that can be avoided with a simple change in the diet.
Food sensitivity is a reaction of your body when you digest some specific foods. If you suffer from gas, bloating, fatigue, acne, diarrhea, or stomachache you may have a food sensitivity. Those reactions are not immediate.
Food intolerance is when your body does not have a specific enzyme, as a result after digesting some foods your body can’t break it down. The most common intolerance is lactose intolerance. If you suspect you may have an intolerance it is advised to take our Food & Pet Intolerance Test.
Red wine and other fermented foods or drinks may contain histamine. It is not uncommon that some people may have difficulties to break down this organic compound.
Inconclusive refers to an indeterminate result – hence the laboratory could not detect the alleles or a gene was not found. This is nothing wrong, it simply means that when analysing your sample the results were outside what the software expects, therefore the laboratory cannot say or not if there is a sensitivity.
No, you don’t need to take the Food & Pet Intolerance Test each year. The test analyses your DNA to discover your sensitivities and DNA does not alter throughout the years; therefore you won’t need to retake this test again.
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